Lectures (video)
Lecture 01: Tonny Donne (EUROfusion, EU), Progress in european fusion research
Lecture 02: Dawid Campbell (ITER, France), Chalenges in burning plasma physics
Lecture 06: Suguru Masuzaki (NIFS, Japan), Recent results from LHD stellarator
Lecture 13: First Results from a Plasma Focus with Beryllium Electrodes
We would like to inform you that a special issue of Acta Physica Polonica A with works presented at the International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas (PLASMA-2019) is available on the webpage http://przyrbwn.icm.edu.pl/APP/SPIS/a138-4.html
On the left, in the main part of this page, you can find links to the videos with lectures of our distinguished guests. You can refresh your memories by watching it again and/or share it with your friends or students.
On the facebook page of the conference you can find also a short video clip about the conference PLASMA-2019 facebook page (for viewing Facebook account is not required).
On the bottom of this page you can find galleries with the selected photos.
The organizers would like to express gratitude to all the participants for the wonderful week. We would like to thank you all for the participation in scientific (as well as in less scientific 😉 ) program.
We encourage you to share your impressions, thoughts, photos, etc. by Facebook page of the conference.
With great pleasure, we would like to inform that our conference get the patronage of the Minister of Science and Higher Education.
Photos: Monday, 15 July 2019
Photos: Tuesday, 16 July 2019
Photos: Wednesday, 17 July 2019
Photos: Thursday, 18 July 2019
Photos: Friday, 19 July 2019
General information
The International Conferences on Research and Applications of Plasmas have been organized every two years since 1993. This conference started as a local, Polish meeting but with participation of many guests from abroad. The consequence of its broad international impact was its conversion into fully international conference.
The conference used to be organized by different plasma research centres in Poland, and (after merging the conference with Polish-French and Polish-German symposia) in Germany and France. Recently the main organizer was Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion (IPPLM) and the conference was held in Warsaw.
The conference was organized by Opole University in 1997 (Jarnołtówek), 2005 (Turawa) and 2019 (Opole).
Opole (http://info.um.opole.pl/en/) is situated in the south of Poland, near the border with the Czech Republic (Trzebinia-Bartulovice – 54 km) and Germany (Olszyna – 240 km). Access to the city is facilitated by large motorway A4 (Berlin-Kiev) passing 15 km from the city center and two airports in ~100 km range – Wrocław and Katowice-Pyrzowice.
If you are arriving by plane to Warsaw you can come to Opole by the express train (in three hours).
The main lecture hall of the conference was located in the building of the Self-Goverment of the Opolskie Voivodeship.